Saturday, June 20, 2009


Okay, I really liked LibraryThing and I did have fun looking around. I created my library, selecting 5 books I just recently read, and checked out some of the groups. This lesson was way less frustrating and something I will use again.
Online ImageGenerator has potential. It was a fun lesson and something I could see using in the future.

ImageChef Word Mosaic -
Stepping out and forward. I looked at the blogs and/or news feeds. Yes I am really, really behind. I have to be honest, I skimmed this area. If I really need to find a news feed I think I could, don't think I will. On to the next step.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

New Accomplishment

At last, I have successfully made a Photostream from Flicker and sent it to my blog. I am more than ready to move on to the next lesson.

Flickr: Your Photostream

Flickr: Your Photostream

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Grandma's Pride

It has been has been quite a while since I last worked with my blog. I am hoping to successfully add photos.
Hurray! It worked.

Zaeda age 3 It's a girl........a new June baby

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Successful Learners

Some habits come easy and some require lifelong learning. From the list of 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners I personally can combine several as easy, and several as much harder for me. Believe it or not, but Play is probably one of the harder habits for me to learn. When working I have a end in mind, become responsible for my own learning and tackle the challenges. Even though I accept the challenge I may first stomp and fuss, then I can truly accept the challenge and work out a plan for success. This is hard work and leaves little room for me to relax and play.

As I continue to learn I am adding to my learning toolbox . Most recently I discovered that I can not control everything and I must just let go of these thing. It's okay to continue the next day. Perhaps just maybe I am bending toward more play.